Monday, December 5, 2011

Mobile: The Next Big Game-Changer for Agents

The explosion in popularity of smartphones, iPads and other tablets is changing customer expectations and behavior so rapidly, and so significantly, that travel agents who ignore mobile do so at their own peril.

That’s the consensus of travel technology experts who see mobile poised to transform the way travel agents engage with their clients – conceivably as dramatically as did the Internet.

Mobile isn’t a threat to agents, they say. It actually holds tremendous positive potential for agent-client relations.

But agents will need to make the mobile phenomenon their own, just as surely they needed to learn to use the Internet to their advantage, rather than being supplanted by it, said David Goodis, founder and chief executive officer of Revelex Corp.

‘Customers will demand it’
“Agents have got to be able to serve up what they have on any device. Customers will demand it,” said Goodis.

Goodis urged agents to adopt a multichannel approach. “We’re on the cusp” of that change occurring in the marketplace, said Goodis, whose firm is currently developing technology for agents that will enable them to adopt the mobile channel.

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