Monday, December 5, 2011

Mobile Technology – Planning | IT Services @ Bristol

Its an exciting time for mobile technology, new devices are being constantly  created and refined in both tablet and smartphone form factors. Driven by consumers these devices are incorporating new technologies and enabling us to do more and more with devices. The lines between what we define as phone and computer are now not as rigid as before, as such we need to make sure we structure our thinking and policies around making the best use of the technology within the University. To do this we need to have a combination of fresh thinking, challenging the existing policies and evaluating how these technologies fit within our IT Environment.
At the beginning of August I joined the Residential and Mobile IT department as a Mobile Technology Specialist. A lot of my time has been spent looking at projects that are currently underway within the University that are either completely mobile or have elements that include Mobile Technology. I have also spent my time investigating mobile technologies that can benefit and staff and student, and considering how we can deliver more mobile services to benefit the University.
Recently we had a brainstorming meeting with the following members of IT Services:
Assistant Director – Infrastructure/Operations – Nick
Residential and Mobile IT Manager – Mark
Mobile Technology Specialist – Chris (Me)
In this meeting we tried to start with a blank canvas and brainstorm what the University want to get out of Mobile Technology. To do this we wrote down ideas on post it notes and then grouped similar Items together. The outcome of that process can be seen below:

As you can see from the picture above (you may need to zoom to read some of the handwriting though!), there are a few distinct groupings.

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